Someone once said “The study of Engineering is for those who want to dedicate their career path to it, however, everyone, that is both men and women, can use and practice Engineering.” I would say this phrase begs for some provocative deliberation. That being said, in my effort to share some of my own experiences, this International Women in Engineering day (INWED 2018), I decided to put down a few recommendations (there are more than these, of course, but then the article would be too long!) that I would give to a developing engineer or to someone aspiring to enter the field. So let us just get straight into it. Continue reading “4 recommendations to becoming a better engineer”
Tag: mentor
You owe it to yourself to realize the potential within you: My journey
Until you see someone like you doing something, it is not a social norm. This is why representation in STEM matters.
My Passion – Geology
In the same way that people tell stories, nature also has its way of telling stories.

Do I need a mentor? This is the first question you need to ask yourself before you start looking for one. For example, to find a mentor, you have to have certain aspects that you want to achieve whether it is career growth or personal goals. A single, sound piece of advice from a mentor can be the catalyst that changes your frame of reference forever.

Essential Components for effective mentor-ship relationships
How do we positively influence young women in Science and Engineering to find effective mentors?When you understand these basic components of mentorship I believe you can have an effective one.
Call for Contributors
We are on a journey to share the experiences of the African Woman in STEM through features on this blog.
We look forward to having you as part of our team of female scientists and mentors!
Are you a female scientist or engineer from any part of the Africa and the world in general?
Are you interested in mentoring young people through your experiences?
We invite you to share your experience as a woman in STEM.
It is our hope that through this blog, more girls will be encouraged to join STEM fields and aspire to be leaders in their fields.
If you are interested, kindly email us at