Betty Enyonam Kumahor is the founder and managing partner of Cobalt Partners, which works with African businesses to enhance growth and productivity using technology and through enhancing best practices. She is also a renown speaker, on topics ranging from leadership, technology, innovation as well as personal development. You can connect with her on her Website, Twitter, or Facebook. Our chat was focused on problem solving and her take on technology in Africa. Continue reading “Problem solving is what I do: Betty Enyonam”
Tag: leadership
You owe it to yourself to realize the potential within you: My journey
Until you see someone like you doing something, it is not a social norm. This is why representation in STEM matters.
Taking the lead: The architect
Meet Nina Ndichu, the principal architect at Mimari Ltd in Kenya. With 11 years of experience in architecture, she tells us of how she came into her role and her take of the architectural landscape for women in the construction industry. Continue reading “Taking the lead: The architect”
When Architecture meets Business
Entrepreneurship is different from employment in that it is freedom with responsibility. It begins with a dream, is driven by passion, and success of the venture only pushes you to do more.
Prepare for the future you want
While most people dream of success, only a few achieve the level of success they want. How can you jump-start this process?
Public Health and Epidemiology: My Story
Y0u must be the change you wish to see in the world!
-Mahatama Ghandhi-
Gender Equity and Equality: II. The role of the Society
African society has a role to play to ensure gender discrimination is a thing of the past. How does societal involvement enhance the realization of gender equity?
Continue reading “Gender Equity and Equality: II. The role of the Society”